Dagelijkse archieven: 25 augustus 2022

LORD ASHTAR, HIS MISSION FOR THIS PLANET ,,, LORD ASHTAR, HIS MISSION FOR THIS PLANET ,,, | Lynne Rondell Do you have any questions? Come to the Angelic Round Table this Sunday and meet people around the World discussing this. It’s free! Website | Angelic Realm Round Table Open Discussion


“Botschaft von Mutter Erde an die Menschheit” – Channeling, 23.08.2022 “Botschaft von Mutter Erde an die Menschheit” – Channeling, 23.08.2022 https://www.monumente-der-seele.comSehr gerne könnt ihr auch ein persönliches Seelenreading bei mir buchen, indem ich den Kontakt zu euren geistigen Begleitern, eurem höchsten Selbst, eurer Seele herstelle.Hier können alle Themen bearbeitet und […]

“Botschaft von Mutter Erde an die Menschheit” – Channeling, 23.08.2022

Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.  We have been gaining our own sort of momentum in the conjuring and sending of energies to all of you there on Earth. We have been enlivened by the process of […]

Take a Page Out of the Arcturian Book ∞ The ...