De laatste tijd komt er steeds vaker AI langs op YouTube. Positief en negatief. Alles mag zijn, de keuze is aan ons. Ik hoop dat vele mensen het gevoel hebben of in zich ontwikkelen wat waarheid is en wat niet. Waarheid voelt zo goed aan en zo is het eigenlijk […]
Mooi AI-filmpje over de jaren 1950

The SHADOW SIDE of TECHNOLOGY (Critical CHOICE POINT) The SHADOW SIDE of TECHNOLOGY (Critical CHOICE POINT) One of the biggest themes in the Age of Aquarius is the shadow side of technology. Humanity is at a critical choice point with how technology will manifest. So today I’m going to talk […]

Developing Multidimensional Awareness (If You Understand This Everything Will Make Sense) Developing Multidimensional Awareness (If You Understand This Everything Will Make Sense) The theme of organic expressions of consciousness and synthetic expressions of consciousness is extensive within this reality. Not only has it been a guiding force in our past, […]