Teacher / Coach / Influencer

Hier zie je een paar video’s van Estelle. Ze heeft het ook erover hoe je jouw frequentie verhoogd door oude gedragspatronen te doorbreken en de power van dankbaarheid en vertrouwen in God, in jezelf, te versterken en zo op een nieuw level te komen en het leven te kunnen genieten. […]

Video’s en teachings van Estelle

This is Nastya Swan and what she is telling is a beautiful and practical way to teach spiritual Wisdom. I was impressed to hear what she is telling in this 3 video’s. She lives in New York and became that person what she is today by experiencing her life and […]

Beautiful Spirituality | Nastya Swan

This young women are amazing. Wisdom, Love, Joy, Beauty, Creativity and Understanding speaks through them. This is what will allow your desires to manifest and attract to you like a MAGNET   you’ve been programmed to think that you have to work       The Dark Night of the […]

Amazing new and young teacher’s